The Meal That Satisfies More Than Hunger
10 / 03 / 2018
One of the downsides of frequent business travel is that it can leave you separated from family and friends at times when everyone else is getting together for a holiday celebration. When gathering tableside with the people you love isn’t an option, there are still plenty of good reasons to tuck into a delicious festive dinner. That’s why Dominion Bar + Kitchen, located just off the Civic Hotel lobby, is offering a special Thanksgiving feast next weekend for hotel guests and community members.
At Dominion, we believe Thanksgiving dinner is one of those meals where the meaning of the meal is greater than the sum of ingredients on your plate (no matter how delicious they are). Here are five reasons why we’d like you to sit down and enjoy a wonderful meal in our warm, comfy space… even if we can’t use your mom’s special turkey platter or serve your Aunt Enid’s famous rutabaga casserole.
- Let your meal be a conduit to nostalgia or a special memory, like the time you sat next to a cherished grandparent or laughed over a culinary ‘wrong turn.’
- Indulge yourself in the pleasure of sitting down to an elaborate, leisurely, multi-course meal that pleases all your senses.
- Use the earthy flavours and gorgeous colours to connect with the autumn season unfolding outside the windows.
- Use the social nature of shared traditions to connect with people, even strangers, sitting around you.
- Seize the opportunity to feel real gratitude for the amazing bounty of our earth.
Whichever reason resonates most, please join us for a mouth-watering, 3-course feast. You’ll start with velvety butternut squash soup or a colourful beetroot and goat cheese salad. The choices for your main course include turkey and honey ham with all the trimmings, seared sockeye salmon, prime rib or a gorgeous vegan pot pie stuffed with mushrooms and seasonal vegetables. And if you have any room left, there’s vanilla gelato served with seasonal berries or a yummy slice of Manhattan cheesecake.
Each meal includes a starter, main course and dessert, along with a soft or alcoholic beverage, coffee or tea. The dinner is being served between noon and 9 pm on Sunday, October 7 and on Thanksgiving Monday, October 8. Reservations can be made by calling 604.330.0229, booking online at or talk to the concierge at Civic Hotel.
We hope you’ll come down and join us. Together we can eat, connect over great food and raise a glass to the faraway ones we care about.